1CloudHub is now certified Microsoft Gold partner

Singapore | August 2018

We are proud to announce that 1CloudHub is now a certified Microsoft Azure Gold partner. We are humbled and energised that we have received this recognition within a record time of eight months since inception. We are also grateful to our customers who have trusted us to build and manage a cumulative annual Azure consumption of nearly USD 1Million.

This partnership status recognizes our demonstrated competencies in developing, architecting and implementing Microsoft Azure solutions, cloud data platform solutions, as well as big data analytics solutions.

Powered by Azure’s infrastructure, technical support, licensing, and partner development initiatives, we look forward to consistently offering cutting-edge, seamless cloud transformation and migration for our clients.

About us

1CloudHub is a boutique cloud consulting company offering cloud consulting and implementation services across Singapore, India, Indonesia, and Malaysia. Our pioneering work in cloud transformation and migration for million-dollar businesses has earned us partnerships with the world’s top cloud providers, and resulted in higher productivity, lower error rates, and faster turnarounds for our clients.

About Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure is an ever-expanding set of cloud services that allows organisations to build, test, deploy, and manage applications and services through a global network of Microsoft-managed data centers.

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