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1CloudHub partners with AWS to transform your cloud infrastructure into something AWSome

High-performance, security, resilience, ease of operation, scalability—these are just some of the many advantages that a cloud-based tech stack has to offer, and it’s no wonder that 75% of the world’s enterprises depend on cloud infrastructure for their day-to-day functioning, as well as year-on-year success.

How do you catch a cloud and pin it down?
Answer: AWS

As ironic as it sounds, your cloud set up needs a firm structure, and it needs to be built according to certain standards to keep them future-proof, and secure.

How do you ensure that? What are these standards? How much time and resource will that take? Will the current infrastructure scale alongside your company’s growth?

Don’t panic. You don’t have to ask yourself any of those questions—this is the domain of experts like 1CloudHub and AWS that will ensure that those questions never even arise. There’s a reason that multi-billion-dollar organizations like NASA with highly sensitive information trust AWS to host and protect their cloud stack.

Why do so many organizations trust AWS?

AWS not only hosts and protects cloud infrastructure; it also ensures that your cloud system is well-architected to manage the workload by taking a lifecycle approach to it. Here’s a brief look at how they do it:

  • First, AWS validates the current state of the Cloud workload
  • Then it determines whether all the best practises are in place
  • It also validates that the workload’s cost is optimal
  • Simultaneously, AWS experts can identify recommendations and potential improvements to your AWS workload, as well as prepare architects to leverage new AWS services and technologies as they become available

This process is called the AWS Well-Architected Review, a.k.a, WAR and it can only be conducted by AWS certified Well-Architected partners equipped with the best expertise and knowledge to help take your cloud infrastructure to the next level.

So, here’s the only question you need to ask yourself: How can you get started?

1CloudHub is the official AWS Well-Architected partner—and in affiliation with AWS, the experts at 1CloudHub will provide a framework for your organization as per AWS guidelines and evaluate better tech stacks and services that can improve future versions of your workloads.

It accomplishes this by comparing your existing AWS workload to the six pillars of the WAR framework:

1CloudHub, as an AWS-Certified Well-Architected partner has helped hundreds of companies from various industry verticals, shift to the cloud following AWS best practices. We can help you achieve the ideals of the 6 pillars to ensure that you get the best out of your workloads and are set up for future success.

Book your free Well-Architected Review with 1CloudHub today

What comes next?

Once you reach out to us about your WAR requirement, our senior Solution Architects will get started with a thorough review of your existing architecture, free of charge. This three-step process helps us understand your requirement and make necessary recommendations:

Step 1: Prepare for review

Select a priority workload + Select internal stakeholders

Step 2: Day of review

Perform deep-dive on a critical workload. We will come together for a 2-3 hour long Well-Architected interview meeting

Step 3: Following the review

One or two days after the review, we will schedule a second meeting to share results and recommendations. We will discuss the priority of your needs for remediation tasks

Studies show that companies can save 15-40% on infrastructure costs by migrating to the cloud. And if done right, the savings can be even greater.

Today, you have the opportunity to achieve this ideal and it takes only a minute to get started and barely a day’s worth of discussions to begin the path toward a stronger, much more flexible, secure cloud journey. And the best part is that it costs $0.

We, at 1CloudHub, have helped hundreds of our clients through this journey. We have access to the best minds in the industry, a close and trusted relationship with AWS, and guaranteed business growth and improvement for you.

All of this is yours for the taking. And you know what they say: When opportunity comes knocking, open the door for a better future.

Transform your cloud infrastructure into something AWSome

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